Dec 30, 2017Bookcast Episode #2Bookcast is back and kids are buzzing about the books they're reading. Episode #2 featured some incredible students having authentic...
Dec 20, 2017Ugly Sweater Lotto is Back!Hope is a funny thing. Last year, our school held an "Ugly Sweater Lotto" the day before Winter Break. Each one of the 100+ educators who...
Oct 16, 2017A Short Story and Lots of Slime (Video)I was in the lunchroom last week when a 4th grader approached me with a very concerned look on her face. She appeared as if she was on...
Sep 1, 2017Empty Halls (Music Video)School is not the same in the summer. The hallways are relatively empty and the creative energy that students contribute is definitely...
Apr 23, 2017Seeing the VisionMany people are talking about personalizing learning and 21st century skills. And rightfully so; we are at an exciting time in education...
Apr 7, 2017Nothing Worthwhile Begins as EffortlessIf you haven't seen the above video yet you really need to check it out. George Couros blogged about it yesterday. I was immediately...
Dec 2, 2016A Story about Risk, Change, and Putting Kids 1stI know what you're thinking. There are a million books and articles about change, and risk-taking is becoming a buzzword in education....