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Nov 30, 2016
Cafeteria DJs: What, Why & How
Our teachers do so many things to amplify student voice in their classrooms. It's important for me to find different ways to support the...
Nov 13, 2016
Memory Lane
I was recently searching through a bin containing some old pictures and elementary school projects that my mom had saved for me. I didn't...
Oct 21, 2016
An Empowering Reality
We have the opportunity to do some pretty special things as educators. We can build lasting relationships, empower our students, and...
Oct 17, 2016
Food for Thought on Meaningful Change
We have got to move beyond the familiar if we want to create meaningful change for our students. But how?!? To truly think differently...
Sep 28, 2016
The Failure We Share
I was recently facilitating a conversation on the topic of 'failure' at a CUE Rockstar Camp for Admins in California. During part of our...
Sep 14, 2016
This Could Work
You're invited to participate in a simple project that will bring people and classrooms together. The project is based on Rube Goldberg...
Sep 11, 2016
One Sentence Grant Program
One of the biggest challenges I’ve noticed in implementing meaningful change does not involve the dwindling dollars our classrooms and...
Aug 27, 2016
Every Child Needs a Renegade
I had an epiphany after the Olympics ended. In fact, I think I invented a new Olympic event. We need a cannonball contest. One big,...
Aug 10, 2016
4 Surprises from Writing "Renegade Leadership"
In a few short weeks my new book, Renegade Leadership, will be out. The book is about creating innovative schools for today's students. ...
Jul 16, 2016
A School Tour Solution that's Breaking Down Barriers
Our elementary school welcomes new and potential families on a regular basis. Providing tours to parents and their elementary-aged...
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