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Nov 6, 2018
Is this for school or for real?
It's funny how the same hallways and school displays I walk by every day catch my attention when something small changes. (Has this ever...

Jun 6, 2018
If You're an Early Adopter, This Might be Your Biggest Blind Spot
You might be thinking we all have blind spots, right?! So what's the big deal? I'm inclined to agree with you, but some blind spots are...

Feb 10, 2018
1 Thing Personalized Learning Might be Missing
The picture above will make more sense in a minute. First, I want to share how my Saturday morning started. I woke up this weekend and...

Jul 30, 2017
A Different Gift
I was checking my Twitter feed yesterday intent on catching up on a few of my favorite educational blogs. I'm usually pretty efficient at...

Oct 17, 2016
Food for Thought on Meaningful Change
We have got to move beyond the familiar if we want to create meaningful change for our students. But how?!? To truly think differently...

Aug 9, 2016
Goodbyes are hard.
I suppose it’s obvious, but I never noticed this before. A lot of goodbyes happen in an airport. This past week I stumbled upon one...

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