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Jan 29, 2017
Two Ways Leaders Leverage a Growth Mindset
I’ve been learning about how a growth mindset makes all the difference in leadership and learning for several years now. This topic often...

Dec 2, 2016
A Story about Risk, Change, and Putting Kids 1st
I know what you're thinking. There are a million books and articles about change, and risk-taking is becoming a buzzword in education....

Oct 17, 2016
Food for Thought on Meaningful Change
We have got to move beyond the familiar if we want to create meaningful change for our students. But how?!? To truly think differently...

Sep 28, 2016
The Failure We Share
I was recently facilitating a conversation on the topic of 'failure' at a CUE Rockstar Camp for Admins in California. During part of our...

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