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Mar 18, 2020
All Communication is Not Created Equal
Managing change during the COVID-19 pandemic is like trying to drink water out of 15 different firehoses turned on full-blast and...

Feb 19, 2020
A Movie Microcosm on Culture
When I was in high school (and probably part of college) my friends and I had this thing. And when I say “thing” I mean contest. The...

Jan 22, 2020
A Series of Small Decisions
I had the opportunity to work at a new restaurant chain for several years in high school and part of college. I don’t think there was a...

Dec 18, 2019
When Good Leaders Choke (and Why You Should Too)
I got a new car this year that's teaching me all kinds of things. The new car is ten years old, but I believe it's what people in the...

Dec 4, 2019
Choosing the 3rd Button
There's power in simplicity. Clarity compels. Change is more likely when complex concepts are distilled into digestible ideas. Meaningful...

Oct 9, 2019
1 Thing that will Change Your Playlist
I was sitting on an airplane this week scrolling through old photos on my phone. A flood of memories filled my mind when I came across...

Jul 13, 2018
My Do-Over, Marzano’s Tweet, and More
When was the last time you were part of a conversation and you found yourself wanting a “do over” or another shot? I recently had one of...

Jun 23, 2018
Something Simple that Every Effective Communication has in Common
I was sifting through some e-mails earlier this Summer and an unexpected message popped up from a parent. The parent was going through...

Apr 4, 2018
Wishing for the Wrong Things
Have you ever had a conversation with another educator who was passionate about their work? Okay...that was an obvious question, but this...

Mar 11, 2017
Assume Nothing
Several years ago, I made a really bad assumption as a school leader. I assumed that the purpose and vision we all aspired to was...

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