For the 2nd straight year, the World Championship of Book Talk videos did not disappoint. We started with 16 creative educators from several continents who each came together around a common cause. Participants found a way to share their favorite children’s book via a short (30 seconds or less) book talk video. The rest is history!
After over 29,000 votes were cast we have a winner! Congratulations to Bronwyn Merritt and the Literacy Legends team. You can see Bronwyn's #30SecondBookTalk video HERE along with the other finalists. In addition to taking home the hardware (a.k.a. the Vince Lombooki Digital Badge), Bronwyn's classroom will receive $500.00 in books from Scholastic...how cool is that?!
Jenn LaGarde and I started this project with the goal of engaging others in the joy of reading. Showcasing the books we love in short videos seemed like a great place to start. It’s been fun to see educators bring the project to their students and schools. So in addition to thanking everyone who participated, we thought we’d highlight a few of our favorite “spin-off” projects.
Click HERE to see how an entire school goes head-to-head in a book talk showdown.
Several students create an epic FlipGrid with their book talks HERE.
Watch how one elementary school went all in on the project HERE.
Finally, you can continue to add your own book talk projects to #30SecondBookTalk on Twitter
Congrats to everyone who participated and a special shout-out to the #LiteracyLegends who brought home the championship and Vince Lombooki hardware again this year. (I have a feeling that the #LeadLearners team will be doing some off-season book talk workouts.)