I've been looking forward to this for more than a month! Our Virtual Cohort is starting and it's open to all educators looking to enhance their ability to personalize learning for themselves, their staff, and their students.
The cohort itself is extremely flexible, and participants are encouraged to choose a path that makes the most sense to them. Each week, cohort members will be provided a list of challenges designed to build community, foster reflection, and spur action. The first list of challenges is below:
Week of May 1st: Let the Journey Begin
Review the Chapter 1 video along with any resources that interest you.
Read the Introduction and Chapter 1.
Pick one "Water Cooler Question" to respond to in the forum for Chapter 1.
Respond to two other Cohort Member's forum posts. This interaction and follow-up questions (including respectful push-back) is important.
Complete the Renegade Leadership Scale found in Chapter 1.
Optional Challenge for Die-Hard Change Agents: Watch the #30SecondTake video in the resource section on the website, and create your own 30-second video response to share on #RenLead. (I typically use TouchCast to create my short videos.)
This is a self-paced cohort that can be completed in as little as 15 minutes per week. However, if you invest a little more time you will definitely get more out of the experience. You can work ahead and should not feel bad if you fall behind. The most valuable part of this cohort will be the people that you connect and exchange ideas with in the website’s forums and via the #RenLead hashtag on Twitter.
If you haven’t already done so, please take a picture (a.k.a. “Shelfie”) with the book and post it to #RenLead on Twitter. Be sure to follow other educators who have done this as well. (It’s a great way to build your PLN and stay connected over the next month and beyond.)
Click HERE if you’d like to work ahead or preview the entire course. If you or your colleagues are interested in joining us it’s not too late. I’m looking forward to diving in having some growth-producing dialogues.